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  1. Used this guidance yesterday for pinto beans and ham hock. I cooked the ham hock overnight in my slow cooker, and also soaked the beans overnight. Put a layer of ham hock in the bottom of the jars, topped with a cup of drained and rinsed beans, and then used hock broth to fill the jars. I put up 13 pints . It’s just me n the house and I prefer pints to quarts. I have bookmarked your web page as you have some great recipes on here. Looking forward to trying more. Thank you for the information!

  2. I made this with slight variations.
    I used water instead of broth since it will make its own broth, and I added 1/4 t garlic powder and 1/2” piece of bay leaf to each jar.

    I’ve heard you aren’t supposed to can cured meats. Do you know how quickly it should be used?

  3. I am going to try your recipe. . .or at least try. I am working from my phone and have NEVER ever done any pressure canning before. My problem is – can’t print your recipe without an ad overlaid over the second. I am going to leave as kind of comment as I can, but I am AT MY WITS END! I can only read the recipe online on my phone-sigh . . I have so much mire I ‘d like to say in my frustration, but will not. My momma taught me better than that.

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