22 Best Homesteading Blogs
Whether you are new to the homesteading lifestyle or you’ve lived a self-sufficient lifestyle, this list of the best homesteading blogs is sure to provide you with all the helpful information you could need for your own homesteading journey.
Best Homesteading Blogs
Of course, this list of blogs needs to start out with my own personal blog. www.1898mama.com However, since you are already here, I won’t go into what I’m about. Take a look at some of these other awesome blogs in no particular order. If you are looking for a homestead mentor, all of these natural home, simple life, hardworking homesteading self-sufficient living people should be the best thing for you.
Here are the 22 best homesteading blogs, in my opinion:
Pioneering Today
Melissa’s blog posts are full of information for those who loved Little House and thought Laura was their best friend. You grow dinner in the back yard and think everything looks and tastes better when it comes from a mason jar. If you want to start a vegetable garden or fruit orchard, I suggest checking her out to learn how she does her organic gardening.
Sprig and Spoon
Regenerative gardening, simple living, and seasonal cooking. Sprig and spoon is a great resource that anyone should be following.
Rosehips & Honey
Living the sweet life in Alaska, she keeps honeybees, milks Jersey dairy cows, and raises poultry for meat and eggs. She shares farm fresh recipes inspired by Alaskan ingredients, rustic, handmade projects, and homesteading tips.
Rough & Tumble Farmhouse
Kelsey lives in Northern Minnesota on 5 acres. She shares about goats, cows, chickens, grazing, gardening, children, and more.
Kowalski Mountain
Building, hunting, farming, and living. This blog is full of information you need if you’re living on a small farm.
The Prairie Homestead
Jill’s blog helps ambitious people return to their roots, no matter where they live. She has helped thousands of families learn how to grow their own food, ditch the grocery store, and create a healthier life through modern homesteading.
Original Homesteading
This beautiful blog is just full of homesteading skills, garden ideas, and healthy recipes.
Souly Rested
Michelle lives in New England and writes about kombucha, chicken, dairy, gardening, beekeeping, making real food, and living in an old farmhouse, among other things.
Fresh Eggs Daily
Lisa Steele has contributed her sage advice to the backyard chicken keeping community for more than a decade. If you are raising chickens, there is no doubt that you’ve come across her wealth of knowledge on backyard chickens as she is a 5th generation chicken keeper.
Dogwood Pond Farms
Katherine shares her best tips on living a healthy, natural, and vibrant life.
Homesteading Family
This homestead blog (and their youtube channel) encourage you in the path to a more healthy, more secure, and free lifestyle by sharing and teaching the skills that lead to greater sustainability and self-sufficiency for you, your loved ones, and your community. They have a large family and are an excellent resource for old-fashioned skills.
Attainable Sustainable
Vintage skills like food preservation, soap making, gardening, and even simple home cooking are seeing a resurgence as a new generation seeks the comfort of old-fashioned handmade living. If you’re striving to add a bit of simplicity and self-reliance to your life, join Attainable Sustainable in embracing old-fashioned simple living for the modern era.
Life at Cobble Hill Farm
Back in 2018 Life at Cobble Hill Farm officially quit the rat race and settled into their version of the good life. Now days are filled with cooking from scratch, making soap & skincare (that’s their homestead business), gardening, preserving the harvest, caring for a flock of chickens and enjoying a slower daily rhythm.
Salt in my Coffee
Learn to use what you have, wherever you are, to live a more sustainable and self-sufficient life. From keeping ducks and chickens, to non-toxic DIY homemaking, to growing a garden, and cooking easy homemade recipes.
Homestead Honey
Homestead Honey shares the best information, inspiration, and how-to’s on homesteading and off the grid living, gardening, fermentation and food preservation, foraging, homesteading with kids, and so much more!
Weed ‘Em & Reap
In 2008, Weed ‘Em & Reap started and she writes about sustainable urban farming, gardening, and farm to table meals. If you have goats, you’ve probably seen this blog or her youtube channel around!
Boots & Hooves
Boots & Hooves Homestead by Mary Woita inspires busy moms to live a more natural & healthy lifestyle. From learning simple homesteading skills, to making more nutritious family-style meals using real whole-food ingredients.
Wisconsin Homesteader
Living in Wisconsin, they find the beauty in this life on the homestead by finding joy in cooking from scratch, raising farm animals, and finding inspiration in a simple easy homestead life.
Just Plain Living
Recipes, wellness, homemaking, and homesteading are all things you will find here to help you have a successful homestead.
The Elliot Homestead
From living a homestead lifestyle, teaching you about food preparation and cooking, and even essential oils, this farm wife on the Elliott homestead is one of my favorite to follow.
Hillsborough Homestead
Chickens, pigs, horses, canning, foraging, gardening, herbal remedies, homeschooling, and more. This blog is full of great ideas for homestead living.
Growing Dawn
Modern homestead and the simple farmhouse life. She lives on a homestead in the making and owns a cow on one acre! This is a great blog to follow, especially for any beginner looking into homesteading.
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I’m so happy to have made this list! Thanks for sharing 🙂